Buffer Solution, pH 1.09, 500 mL

Buffer Solution, pH 1.09, 500 mL

Product Number: S11M009


pH Value(s)

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Radiometer Analytical certified pH and conductivity standards give you:

pH Buffer Standard Solution for pH electrode calibration with Certificate of Analysis*. Colorless pH buffer, pH is 1.09 ±0.02 at 25°C solution. 500 mL bottle
*Available for download from uk.hach.com/CoA: using product part number and lot number.


  • Aquaculture
  • Boiler Water
  • Cooling Water
  • Groundwater
  • Industrial Wastewater
  • Influent for Wastewater
  • Membrane Protection
  • Municipal Water
  • Potable Water
  • Pre-Treatment
  • Primary Treatment
  • QA/QC Lab
  • Recreation/Pool
  • Secondary Treatment
  • Source Water
  • Steam Cycle
  • Tertiary Treatment
  • Water Conditioning
  • Water Cycle
  • Water Reuse


Total Control of the traceability chain and calculated uncertainties

Direct traceability to primary standards and the reference method

The competence and integrity of a laboratory internationally recognized to be accredited for the measurement of pH and conductivity reference materials
