Product Number: 08350=C=0005
A part of the most complete water analytics system for the Power industry. Hach provides a broad range of product options designed to work together into flexible solutions to meet your unique needs. Hach’s comprehensive approach saves you time on design, installation, training, maintenance, and operation.
A single design source and one product platform means you spend less time searching for design files or configuring components. Create and reuse your optimal design templates.
One source, interchangeable components, a common user interface, and one support team make installation faster and less complicated. Quickly and easily transfer user settings between pH/ ORP loops.
A single platform minimizes time required to teach and learn product operations, getting new systems in use faster.
Common menu guides reduce variability and provide step-by-step procedures for maintenance and pH/ ORP calibration. This standard ¾” pH/ ORP sensor delivers fast and accurate measurement with two combination electrodes and a pt100 ohm RTD temperature element. The reference cell features a double-junction design for extended service life, and a built-in solution ground.