Free Ammonia Chlorinating Solution, 4 mL SCDB

Free Ammonia Chlorinating Solution, 4 mL SCDB

Product Number: 2877436

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Hazardous Materials

Hazardous shipping. Items with this mark may be considered hazardous under some shipping conditions. If necessary, we will change your selected shipping method to accommodate these items.

Improved reagent for determination of Free Ammonia by the Indophenol method. Replaces 2877336.
Requires new procedure (See Reagent/Procedure tab) and instrument software update. See Downloads>Other>Product Notice-Monochloramine and Free Ammonia
Hach Method 10201 4ml self contained dropper bottle (SCDB). Part of reagent set 2879200.


  • Industrial Wastewater
  • Influent for Wastewater
  • Nutrient Monitoring
  • Primary Treatment
  • QA/QC Lab
  • Secondary Treatment
  • Source Water
  • Tertiary Treatment